Dr. Keri Jones is a licensed practitioner of Chinese Medicine specializing in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Cupping, Gua Sha, and Chinese Dietary Therapy. If you are looking for a Catonsville Chinese Medicine doctor then you are in the right place.
Dr. Keri is very passionate about changing the way that Americans perceive and approach healthcare. Acupuncturists are essentially primary care providers who operate under a more Eastern, holistic philosophy, so an acupuncturist’s office could be a great first stop for a patient with almost any health concern.
Dr. Keri is all about de-mystifying Chinese medicine and demonstrating that every patient is unique and therefore should be treated uniquely. Physical and mental/emotional symptoms are intimately connected and relevant to the patient’s health and overall well-being.
Dr. Keri’s ultimate goal is to discover and treat the root cause of her patients’ symptoms so that they can thrive in every aspect of their lives.